Statement of financial accounting concepts,Financial accounting theory,Advanced financial accounting,Sap financial accounting,Financial accounting standards board.

How To Study Financial Accounting At A Classroom

First - Accounting is not a hard subject to study, and is easy to learn. The major secret to studying accounting is remembering that it is a cumulative study subject based on the first few chapters. Each chapter builds on the previously learned concepts and procedures. The accounting course is organized so that you study the most fundamental and essential concepts and procedures first, then you will be required to build on these concepts and procedures. To study accounting, you must master the first five chapters. These few chapters are the basis for the next chapters. When students run into difficulty, it is generally because they have either forgotten the earlier material or have not study it well enough to move forward.

Second- You need to ask questions from me what topics are important?, why they are important?, and how to use them?. Copying notes from others may not always show you the what, why and how.

Third -Arrive at your classroom a few minutes early. Choose a seat where you can comfort and be heard. Don't be afraid to ask or respond to questions. Try to overcome your shyness doubt. Commit yourself to ask or answer questions in class. Remember someone else in the class is probably wondering about the same thing.

Forth - You need to understand both the reasons and the mechanic of financial accounting. Memorizing information will hurt you later on in the course.

Fifth - A recent study indicated that you will remember 10% to 15% of what was said in class. However, if you write it down, your retention rate increases to 85%. Note taking is essential to learning accounting. You must learn to take notes efficiently, accurately, and quickly so you will not jeopardize your ability to listen effectively.

Sixth - Exchange telephone numbers or email id with at least two classmates. Make arrangements to study with these friends on a regular basis(group studies). Working in groups has benefits. These benefits include increasing your knowledge of accounting and improving your critical thinking and communication skills. If you are able to explain and demonstrate (verbalize) the learning objective to other group members, then you really understand the concepts. Don't be afraid to change study groups if you are unhappy with your original group. Finally, don't allow you study group turn into a gossip group, stick to your accounting.

Seventh - Before going to class review the textbook, study guide, homework assignment, and class notes. Make a list of questions you have to ask teacher. Writing out your questions makes it easier for you to ask teacher in class.

Eighth - Waiting until the last minute does not give you the opportunity to completely understand the learning objectives. If you have completed your homework and are able to verbalize the learning objectives to other members in your study group, then you will do well on the test. If however, you are trying to complete the reading and homework assignments the night before the examination, you will be unprepared.
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