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Free Download PC Auto Shutdown 5.5 Final + Keygen

 PC Auto Shutdown 5.5 Final 

PC Auto Shutdown adalah salah satu software management time yang kegunaan nya untuk mengatur waktu mematikan komputer secara otomatis dan memiliki beberapa fiture lainnya. 

Features : 
 • Can be turned off, reset, log off and ... In software 
• Timing of application performance for certain time 
• Doing things in a certain period of time and repeated 
• Ability to command before system shutdown, such as cleaning trash 
• Ability of the software to password 
• Alert to the possibility of shutdown 

Cara Instal : 
1. Extrack File Winrar 
2. install AUTO PC SHUTDOWN 5.5 FINAL, lalu 
3. Isikan nama dan serial number dari KEYGEN 
4. Enjoy…. 

DOWNLOAD PC Auto Shutdown 5.5 Final + Keygen 

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