Here i am Going to Teach you How to Hack Microsoft Frontpage Uploaded Site.
1. Microsoft Frontpage Office (Download it Form here).
Microsoft Front Page 2003 FREE FULL KEY
2. John the Ripper (Download it From Here)
1. After Downloading these Softwares. Visit Google.com and Search this:
2. Now Open Any Link You Will Get Username and Encrypted Password like this:"# -FrontPage-" inurl:service.pwd
3. Now its Time to Decode the Password.thisislegal:cGPV5pzv1OdLQ
Decoding Password Using John The Ripper (Works in Win 7, Xp, 8)
1. Extract John the Ripper in your Windows Drive ( C:). If you are using a newer version since the article has been written, just change the commands below to fit the new version name.
2. Now go to Start > Run > Cmd.
3. Now Type :
4. Now Type:
5. And you should be in the folder containing JTR. Test this by typing:cd john179\run
You will now be greeted with the JTR welcome screen which will look similar to this:john-omp
6. create a new file in the run folder called pass.txt and copy and paste your username and password string into the text file. for demo i have used:
7. Now, to run JTR in default mode all you have to do is type:thisislegal:cGPV5pzv1OdLQ

And it should begin cracking the hash. You can hold space or any other key down to check its progress. Passwords 1-5 characters in length can be cracked in seconds. 6-7 characters can take around an hour depending on the password and longer than 7 can take a few days to crack.john-omp pass.txt
8. Now open Microsoft Frontpage Office and Enter Website Name and Then Enter site username and Password.