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Free Download Stardock Start8 1.11 + Patch

 Stardock Start8 1.11 

Stardock Start8 1.11 Adalah Software yang berfungsi untuk membuat start menu Windows 8 Anda seperti Windows 7/ Vista/ XP karena software ini mengubah start menu Windows 8 yang berciri khas kotak-kotak menjadi sebuah tombol start menu layaknya Windows versi sebelumnya. 

• Windows 7-style Start menu with Windows 8 enhancements 
• Pin desktop and Modern UI apps 
• Jump list support 
• Unified Search for Apps, Settings and Files 
• Boot directly to the Windows 8 desktop 
• Automatically matches the color of the taskbar 
• Skinnable Start button 
• Windows 8 Start screen accessible from the Start Menu 
• Optionally disable the Windows 8 desktop “hot spots” 
• Adds option for WinKey to show fullscreen metro desktop 
• Group Policy support 

• Configurable Start menu size 
• Windows 8 Start screen accessible from the Start menu 
• Clean, streamlined UI enhances Start8′s usability 

• Optionally disable the desktop Windows 8 “hot spots” 
• Supports WindowFX 5.1 start menu animations (currently in beta) 
• Choose a custom Start button skin and color 

System Requirements: 
• Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012. 

• Added Start8tweak.exe advanced configuration for extra options including enabling / disabling Start8 on a per account basis. 
• Added email category to search results. 
• Added support for Modern UI app closing to return to the desktop rather than the Windows 8 menu on advanced settings. 
• Added native support for the DisplayFusion secondary taskbar. 
• Added support for BMP files as start button. RGB (255,0,255) is permitted for transparency. 
• Added registry entry to control if hidden items should be included in the All programs list. 
• Added registry entry to control if the user picture should have a border or not in the default theme. 
• Added registry entry to control if the tree has a horizontal scroll bar. 
• Added support for Search the Internet button on search results via registry key. 
• Documents, Pictures, Music, Computer and Recorded TV places will use the name set in explorer for them if the user has renamed them. 
• Shutdown button menu will have an item selected when accessed via the keyboard. 
• Adjusted start menu sizing to prevent bottom item on the places list from being slightly clipped in certain circumstances. 
• Modified shutdown menu to prevent surplus separator line showing when the machine doesn't support sleep or hibernate. 
• Right to left language versions of Windows now show the user picture. 
• Right to left language versions of Windows now have icons rendered the correct direction. 
• Tweaked to prevent .lnk text showing in tree on occasion. 
• Tweaked code to better handle closing a docked Modern UI application when at the desktop when the charms bar is set to disabled. 
• Fixed an issue with right click on the places list 
• Jumplists close when you pin / unpin something / delete it 

Cara Instal : 
1. Install Start8 and copy patch to folder where Start8 is installed. 
2. Open Windows Search and search for services.msc 
3. Stop the Startdock Start8 service, change its startup mode to 'Disabled'. 
4. Log out of the Windows and re-log in, then run the Patch and click the 'Patch' button. 
5. Start back the service, change the startup mode to "Automatic" again and log out and re-log in once again. 
6. Enjoy! 

DOWNLOAD Stardock Start8 1.11 + Patch 

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