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Preview Media Files while Downloading in IDM

Preview Media Files (.mp3, .mp4, .flv etc ) while downloading in IDM. This Trick is very helpful
while downloading you have a chance to confirm that the song is good or movie clarity is good or bad, that way you will save your Internet Data, Time and even your Money.
How to Preview?
1. Open My Computer > Organize > Folder and Search Options.
or go to Control Panel > Folder options
2. Now Click > Show Hidden Files and Folders
and Uncheck the 3 Options below it (as shown in image) and then apply:

3. Now start the downloading whatever you are planning to download.

4. Now while the stuff is downloading, open IDM and navigate to Downloads > Options > Save To and right below you will see Temporary Directory Field.

5. Now Open My Computer and then Navigate to Temporary Directory Field. check your file name here and right click on it and choose Open With "VLC".

That's it now your file will start playing just check the quality and let it download or cancel it if you do not like it.

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