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Download Opera 12.13 FINAL

 Opera 12.13 FINAL

The days when major browser updates were few and far between are over. Nowadays, it’s de rigeur for browser manufacturers to speed up development, which means opening up less stable builds to the masses in order to get them bug-checked as quickly as possible. It may only enjoy a fraction of the market share afforded to rival web browsers, but Opera is by no means a poor relation to the likes of Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer. In many ways it’s been a pioneer – Opera was the first major browser to use tabs and provide a speed dial for its home page, and it has always been one of the quickest browsers out there thanks to a lightweight footprint, something its rivals are only now starting to embrace. Another unique feature is a built-in mail client enabling you to combine browsing and email in one application. Opera isn’t afraid to utilise the best bits of other browsers either – version 11 saw the debut of a slimmed down user interface pioneered by Chrome and also copied by IE9 and Firefox 4. It also brought third-party extensions to the table for the first time, along with a handy bookmarks bar. But if Opera is to maintain its image as a true web pioneer, it can’t afford to sit still. New 12.13 is a minor upgrade after months of development: Fixed an issue where Opera gets internal communication errors on Facebook Fixed an issue where no webpages load on startup, if Opera is disconnected from the Internet Fixed an issue where images will not load after back navigation, when a site uses the HTML5 history API ( A new stand-alone update-checker, as part of a planned upgrade of the auto-update system Improved protection against hijacking of the default search, including a one-time reset Fixed an issue where DOM events manipulation might be used to execute arbitrary code, as reported by Arthur Gerkis Fixed an issue where use of SVG clipPaths could allow execution of arbitrary code, as reported by anonymous via the iSIGHT Partners GVP Program; see our advisory Fixed a low severity security issue; details will be disclosed at a later date Fixed an issue where CORS requests could omit the preflight request, as reported by webpentest; see our advisory 


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