Statement of financial accounting concepts,Financial accounting theory,Advanced financial accounting,Sap financial accounting,Financial accounting standards board.

DOS Like Environment in Your Mobile

Now You Can Expeirience Dos like Environment in Your Mobile using DROS.

DOS on your Mobile:
DROS enables the user to relive the glory days of 80s computing on their mobile phone.
DOS like command shell providing a set of simple commands such as copy, move, delete and list.
Ability to create/edit text files and run batch files , play media files

Features of DROS:

1. Create/Edit .txt Files
2. Run .bat File
3. Play Media Files ( .mp3 ).
4. Delete or Create Directory
5. Clear Screen

1. Edit Filename.txt (Creates filename.txt)
2. Help (help)
3. Play filename.mp3 (palys mp3 file)
4. cls (to clear screen)
5. dir (shows Drive directory)

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