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Hack Gmail, Facebook, Paypal, Youtube Using Phishing Attack

Hack all This Websites Using Phishing by following these steps:

Hacking Gmail:

Files that are needed (Download it From Below) : 

1. phishing.php
2. index.html
3. Password.txt

Main Step:

Upload all the 3 files in file manager of your web hosting. If you don't have your own
web hosting at present, search for a free web hosting site which gives PHP access. I
prefer  (Top Free Webhosting sites list)
Sign up for a free web hosting plan on this site. Goto file manager and Upload all the
3 files and save it.

Once everything is up and ready to go, go to the link your host provided you for your
website and you should see the Gmail page replica. Type in a username/password
and click Sign in. This should have redirected you to the real Gmail page.

Now whoever will try to login for Gmail through your Fake page, his/her Username
and Password will be automatically saved in Password.txt file as plain text which you
can view easily. Also the victim won't have a hint that he/she has been hacked since,
he/she will be redirected to the original Gmail page and will get a feel as if he/she
entered a wrong password by mistake.

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