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Change/Update Status of Friend's Facebook Account

This is a fantastic Facebook tricks.
Facebook allow to update our status from registered mobile phone.

So, in this Facebook hack, we will use SMSGlobal to change the status of your friend. SMSGlobal allows us to send message to any number from anyone’s number. That is, we will send Facebook a fake SMS from your friend’s registered mobile number.

Facebook will think that the message has been sent by your friend and his status will be updated according to the message contents sent by us.

1. Go to and register for an account.

2. After logging in to your account, click on “Send SMS to a Number”.

3. Enter the information as follows:

Send SMS To: 919232232665
Sender ID From: The registered mobile number of your friend.
Message: The status you want to update for your friend. Enter anything you want. It will appear as your friend’s new status.

Hit on Send SMS.

4. Now, Facebook will update your friend’s status to the message you have sent.

NOTE : Your Freind  MUST have the Facebook Text feature enabled in their account , if they don't then this will not work

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